common sleep disorders

You deserve to have healthy sleep!


What happens during sleep?

Sleep is a natural pause in the state of awareness to give a chance to the body to get the rest and to restore the energy. Sleep is a major part of our lives. It is estimated that we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping. Adequate sleep is a necessary and important component of a healthy lifestyle. Getting good quality sleep during the night is related to our ability to function during the day.

So what happens during Sleep?

While we are awake, the brain has certain electrical activity, this activity starts changing when we go to sleep and we go through different stages of sleep. We usually pass through four phases of sleep: stages 1, 2, 3, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. These stages progress in a cycle from stage 1 to REM sleep, then the cycle starts over again. Each stage has an important role and lack of deep sleep and increase of light sleep causes fatigue and stress during the day.

common sleep disorder

What is Sleep Diseases?

Normal sleep is a blessing from God. We do not realize its importance of normal sleep unless we suffer insomnia or any other type of sleep disorder. Millions of people suffer from sleep problems especially because of high rates of anxiety and stress. Sleep medicine is one of the modern medical science and it has more than 100 classified disorders.

Sleeping disorders are any condition that impairs good quality of sleep at night to the extent that disturbs our daytime activities and functions. The most common sleep disorders are Sleeping fewer hours than expected, (insomnia), Sleeping during the day for long hours (Hypersomnia),Breathing-related sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea or Sleep-wake cycle disorders (or circadian disorders)


How Many Hours of Sleep Does the Adult Person Need?

Adults usually will need 7-9 hours of sleep on an average every night.  Our need of sleep is different from one person to another. It may range from 4 hours for some and 10 hours for others. If you feel sleepy and drowsy during the day, these may be signs that you are not sleeping well during the night


Common Sleep Disorders

Many of us experience trouble sleeping at one time or another. Usually it’s due to stress, travel, illness, or other temporary interruptions to your normal routine. However, if sleep problems are a regular occurrence and interfere with your daily life, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder. Sleep disorders cause more than just daytime sleepiness. They can take a serious toll on your mental and physical health, leading to memory problems, weight gain, and affecting your energy, and mood. Nevertheless, you don’t have to live with a sleeping problem. There are many things you can do to get a good night’s sleep and improve your health.

The most common sleep disorders are:

– Sleeping fewer hours than expected, (insomnia).

– Sleeping during the day for long hours (hypersomnia).

– Breathing-related sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea.

– Sleep-wake cycle disorders (or circadian disorders) which is a mismatch between the actual sleep time and the time a person wants to sleep.

– Other Sleep disorders such as sleep talking, sleepwalking or nightmares.

– Some patients complain of vague symptoms such as feeling tired, depressed, and poor concentration, but the real problem is that they do not sleep well at night.


common sleep disorders

How to diagnose Sleep Disorders?

Your doctor will first perform a physical exam and gather information about your symptoms and medical history. They will also order various tests, including:

polysomnography: a sleep study that evaluates oxygen levels, body movements, and brain waves to determine how they disrupt sleep

electroencephalogram: a test that assesses electrical activity in the brain and detects any potential problems associated with this activity

These tests can be crucial in determining the right course of treatment for sleep disorders


What is Sleep Study? 

A sleep test or polysomnogram can help to discover the causes of sleep disorders and plan your treatment.

Polysomnogram is an overnight sleep study or it will be done during your normal sleeping hours. A trained sleep technician will prepare you for the test and apply sensors to the head, face, chest, abdomen, and legs. None of these devices hurt, then he will monitor the physiological indicators during sleep including brain waves, heart rate, breathing rate, and oxygen level. Most people do not find it hard to fall asleep even with all the wires attached to them. After several days, you can see your sleep doctor and he will explain the findings and discuss treatment options. Home sleep testing is another option too, where a simple sleep monitor equipment is given to the patient and he will be instructed to connect it before going to sleep and to bring it back the day after to his sleep doctor to review it.

How do you treat Sleep Disorders?

Treatment for sleep disorders can vary depending on the type and underlying cause. However, it generally includes a combination of medical treatments and lifestyle changes


What happens if I left the sleep disorder without treatment?

It is important to receive a diagnosis and treatment right away if you suspect you might have a sleep disorder. When left untreated, the negative effects of sleep disorders can lead to further health consequences. Ignoring sleep problems and disorders can damage your physical health and affect your performance at work, cause strain in relationships and impair your ability to perform daily activities. In addition, it can lead to weight gain; accidents, impaired job performance, memory problems, and put a strain on your relationships. They can also.